Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Send it if You Like

It seems like Facebook is always making changes and coming out with new features. This past Monday Facebook released a "Send" button. The button will allow users to share whatever they are viewing to friends. It's intended to replace the usual "email to a friend button" and is aimed at improving the Groups feature. The button is very similar to the "Like" button but when you click on it a pop-up appears that will give you the option to send it to your friends, groups, or the standard email.

The button will also count towards the amount of "Likes" the page has. Facebook will now calculate how "liked" a page is by adding the likes, shares, comments, and inbox messages containing a URL. reports that more than 50 websites including,, The Wall Street Journal, and Orbitz are launching the "Send" button.

Facebook may annoy us with all their changes but, this seems like a good idea. It will be a quick and easy way for you to share something you like on a page. It takes the Like button to a whole new level. So is this just another annoying feature, or is it the greatest thing since the "Like" button? Try it out below or make one for whatever you like on Facebook's developer website!



Jessica Lansford said...

Obviously there are still some technical difficulties with the "Send" button. Sorry if it's not working.